And here is Martha's failed attempt to enter the ASG Atlanta president's challenge this year. We had to make something with fabric costing under $10 from a sponsor. This wool is from Gail K and is under $10, but not the silk B&W checked taffeta. Darn.

And, oh, Lucretia. Love your ribbon vest. What beautiful workmanship. Or is that workladyship. Either way, gorgeous!

Desi modeled this clever towel wrap for wet hair. What an interesting idea. I need one of these, especially in the winter when wet drippy hair is no fun! Great idea, Desi.
Check out the TDF wool coat that Rena made for her daughter. It almost fits Rena and is adorable on her. Imagine how darling her daughter is in this coat. Love the bubble hem.
At left, Jan shows us another of her adorable sunny outfits for Ms. Delilah who must be the most stylist toddler ever. She is well loved by Jan, as well as Whip Stitch who inspires Jan.