Upcoming Meeting Topics

NOTE: Until further notice, we are meeting via zoom. Send email to receive zoom link: asg.sewincredibles@asgatlanta.org 

2021 Dates for Sew Incredibles
12-Jan All - We share what we're sewing
9-Feb Lisa - Alabama Chanin techniques
9-Mar Sharon - Apron Sew Along (show in March)
13-Apr Martha - Amulets
11-May All - Sewing room organization
8-Jun Rita - Unusual sewing projects
13-Jul Sandie - What do I make with THAT?
10-Aug All - what gets your creative juices flowing?
14-Sep June - Best embroidery and where to use it
12-Oct Lucretia - fave gifts to make (all contribute)
9-Nov Rena - TBA
14-Dec Party!